Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heroic Anderson [lol]

Poll Gate: Anderson Cooper Defends Ron Paul & Exposes CNN's Fraud... on CNN (Video Parody)

(01:44 min.)

From: FederalJacktube6

Added: Aug 12, 2011

Description: (Video Parody) - Anderson Cooper Exposes the Poll Fraud committed by his fellow CNN employees. If only it was true it would be heroic.

The Bottom Line is that this is so in the American Peoples face I'm not sure how anyone can deny it. We the People Deserve the Respect of being Told the Truth. This Deception Exposes the Intention of the Mainstream Media which is to prop up the Establishment candidates and steer public perception of Ron Paul. They have been doing it so long to use they got cocky and showed their hand majorly. This is our chance to put the Mainstream Media in their place and to hold up truth and the candidate of truth Ron Paul.