Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I just received my Reservation for the 'Anderson' show taping!!!!!!

Alan & I will be seeing 'Anderson' and Anderson on Monday, August 29. 2011 at 9:00 AM!

Unfortunately I will not be able to tell you how it went or what happened during the taping; the Reservation Form says it very clearly: Point #6 "Until the show airs, please do not disclose any information about the taping with your friends, family or the public, including, but not limited to, commenting on Twitter, Facebook, blogging or any other social media platforms." So, after it airs I will be able to tell you about what you have just seen... Whatever we see, I am sure it will be amazing! After you see it, I will tell you how amazing it was!

You can just think of the best, highest, most outrageous word for "joy" and that is how I feel right now!

This could be me being interviewed by Anderson... except... of course... I am not a blond!